Thursday, July 30, 2015

Another milestone for Lancaster New City was set in order to provide families living inside the development more time for family bonding!

Everyone was very much excited as the Soft Launch of the Lancaster New City Tap N' Ride Transport System Metrolink Buses was held last July 18, 2015, wherein four (4) Metrolink Buses were made ready for the exclusive use of the Lancaster residents and their guests. The Metrolink Buses made use of E-Tap cards and brought resident passengers and their guests from Lancaster New City to Coastal Mall and vice versa.

In a continous effort to improve the Lancaster New city Tap N' Ride Transport System, the entire team and management will be studying and adjusting the bus schedules depending on the requirements of the residents during the entire soft launch.
For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link

For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link

For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link

For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link

For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link

For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link

For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link

For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link

For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link

For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link

For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link

For Houses at Lancaster New City:
New Models: Link
Lancaster Estates House and Lot/Amenities: Link


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